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Using executive recruitment software to deliver quality service

Using executive recruitment software to deliver quality service

We are still in the throes of a global pandemic and there have been serious repercussions on the economy. But instead of giving in to the panic, it is actually time to straighten our backs and get to work. Executive search recruiters must continue providing the best service possible to client companies. There are various options available – such as executive recruitment software – which can help recruiters push forward despite the current challenging times.

Below are some dos and don’ts of executive recruiting during good and tough times.


•                Have a proactive business plan

Everyone is fully aware that these are complex times. Hence, executive search firms must approach recruiting with a different mindset and a new business plan. Forging ahead with the same recruitment method will not result in success for many search firms. Digitization has proved to be necessary for these extraordinary circumstances. Early adopters of executive recruitment software vouch for cloud-based CRM as an essential and productive remote working tool.

•                Continue to develop a large candidate pool

Candidate database is the most valuable asset in recruitment. Therefore, head-hunters must resume their quest for quality executives to strengthen their candidate pool. Good executive recruitment software offers social media integration feature which is extremely helpful. It directly links suitable executive profiles from social media sites like LinkedIn to the recruitment CRM platform. It eliminates the need to manually copy data into the platform. Head-hunters can seamlessly shift between a candidate’s social media account and the CRM platform.

•                Assess candidates thoroughly

Executive search is a competitive business. And because these are tough times, head-hunters might be tempted to simply shortlist any executive that passes the first check. Nevertheless, it is important to assess each candidate thoroughly. Head-hunters must ensure that their previous experiences, skills, career accomplishments, and educational qualifications suit the position they’re trying to fill.


•                Stop networking

Networking is vital for the health of recruitment. Executive recruiters must continue connecting with executives and cultivating relationships with clients. While it might seem impractical to network during such times, to stop networking actually has a very detrimental effect on the business. Online networking is the best and most suitable option right now. Many executives are also more willing to talk and forge new connections. Clients also welcome regular updates about work and industry in general.

•                Discuss only the positives of the job

It is a poor recruiting practice to discuss only the positive aspects of the job. Senior executives are already familiar with high-pressure roles. Head-hunters must ensure their executive candidates understand all the challenges that come with the role.  It is important to be as realistic as possible. Candidates must be made aware of both the good and challenging parts of the job. It prevents them from coming into a new role with false expectations and blind to reality. Presenting both positive and challenging aspects of the job also opens way for a frank discussion on what the executives can offer.

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