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4 Reasons Living in Phoenix Can Improve Your Mental and Physical Wellbeing

If You’re Looking for Mental and Physical Peace, Consider Moving to Phoenix

Do you absolutely love the area where you live? Do you get up every morning with enthusiasm for the day, find inspiration on your morning walks, or just enjoy sitting in your front yard?

If you’re like most people who live in a densely populated city, you don’t get that experience at home. In most cities, there’s not much to enjoy outdoors other than a far-away glimpse of a mountain range or some hills. You can always go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air, but if your surroundings are less than inspiring, it’s not the same.

If you’re feeling a little down and don’t know why, your physical environment could contribute to your mood. The ideal solution is to move somewhere with scenery that takes your breath away – like Phoenix, Arizona.

Why move to Phoenix? Phoenix has several traits that can support your mental and physical wellbeing.

1. Phoenix is a perfect blend of civilization and nature

While there are around four million people in the greater Phoenix area, there’s still plenty of nature surrounding the city. Depending on where you live, some Phoenix homes will give you a view right into the vastness of nature from your backyard.

Phoenix is the perfect blend between nature and human civilization. Although the inner city is densely populated and built out for miles, it doesn’t take long to get to nature.

2. Phoenix is full of natural wonders

Besides the Grand Canyon, there are plenty more natural wonders in Arizona, and some aren’t too far from Phoenix. Although, if you love to travel, you can always take a road trip to visit all the places that call to you.

Some of these natural wonders include:

·                 Slide Rock State Park

·                 Tonto Natural Bridge

·                 Vermillion Cliffs Natural Monument

·                 Lava River Cave

·                 White Pocket

Even if you live in the heart of the city, you’ll feel good knowing you can take a day or weekend trip to a beautiful place in nature.

2. Phoenix sunsets are amazing

Utah and Arizona have some of the most beautiful sunsets you’ll ever see in the states. If you want to feel amazing, watching the sunset over the horizon will give you a burst of good feelings.

According to Psychology Today, appreciating the natural beauty of a sunset has the power to boost your mood, increase generosity, and enhance your satisfaction with life. In other words, watching sunsets can make you feel good and make you a more compassionate person toward others.

Why settle for bland sunsets when you can watch incredible sunsets casting deep hues of red and orange across the rocks? If you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), moving to Phoenix could help you get relief.

3. You can visit Camelback Mountain regularly

Most major cities have some kind of park where residents go for walks, get exercise, and walk their dogs. However, most of those parks are entirely manmade – and it shows.

Camelback Mountain isn’t your average trail, although many Phoenix locals hit the trail every day. If you like succulents and have an appreciation for cacti, you’ll see plenty of saguaros and jumping chollas on your walks.

Although the distance to the top of the mountain is only one-and-a-half miles long, the elevation increases by 1,200 feet along the way. If you need a good way to exercise without expensive gym equipment, this might be a good beginning trail for you.

Like beautiful sunsets and nature, exercise can boost your mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which naturally boost your mood. You’ll also experience a boost in energy and stamina just from exercising. If you suffer from sleep disorders, exercising can help you get better sleep.

4. You can take a day trip to Sedona

Located two hours north of Phoenix, Sedona is perhaps the most popular city in Arizona for tourism and art. It’s full of natural beauty and energy vortices that many people report feeling intensely.

Sedona is a feel-good city for several reasons. You can find plenty of hiking trails, or if you just want to soak in the view, you can take a helicopter tour to check everything out from above.

If art and history make you feel good, Sedona is home to hundreds of artists and around 80 art galleries and shops full of creative works, including handmade Native American jewelry, pottery, and sculptures.

Phoenix will make you feel good

If you don’t absolutely love where you live, consider moving to a place where you’ll feel amazing each time you step out your front door. For many, that place is Phoenix.