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Responsibilities Of A Title IX Coordinator And Impacts Of Non-Compliance

Responsibilities Of A Title IX Coordinator And Impacts Of Non-Compliance

Before the government imposed the Title IX law, there was widespread discrimination based on sex in educational institutions. While most people assume that the law seeks to protect girls and women from discrimination, the reality is it protects all people irrespective of gender.

Title IX has opened new opportunities for both males and females. Decades ago, females could not register for carpentry, mechanics, etc., and males could not opt for nursing or teaching classes. But that has changed now. If you have any questions about title ix, you may speak with a Title IX attorney or an elder.

Who is supposed to follow the Title IX guidelines?

Any school, college, or educational institution that accepts funding from the government is expected to follow the Title IX guidelines. This means that the school must prevent the students, staff, and faculty from engaging in any type of sexual discrimination and must address victims’ complaints. If the institution fails to do so, the government will stop funding them.

Who is a Title IX coordinator, and what do they do?

Every government-funded school or college has a Title IX coordinator on staff who has the major responsibility to comply with Title IX laws. They answer questions regarding the law, receive complaints and address the concerns of the victims. A good Title IX coordinator has experience being in an educational setting and possesses in-depth knowledge of the Title IX laws.

Responsibilities of a Title IX coordinator

The core responsibilities of a Title IX coordinator are as follows.

What happens when an educational institution fails to uphold its Title IX responsibilities?

If you have undergone sexual discrimination in your school and filed a complaint, but the school has ignored the issue, they could be in serious legal trouble. By not complying with its Title IX responsibilities, a school can lose its federal funding as well as be sued for financial restitution and attorney fees.

With the help of an attorney, you can potentially seek a substantial amount of damage from your school for failing to protect your rights. When schools receive funding from the government, they sign a contract to comply with Title IX laws, failing to do which results in legal trouble. Therefore, do not panic if your school has turned a blind eye to your problems. An attorney can help you understand your rights.