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9 Expert Tips to Kickstart Your New Weight Loss Program

9 Expert Tips to Kickstart Your New Weight Loss Program

Wouldn’t it be great if losing weight was as easy as gaining it? The best you can do is use smart strategies. For example, once you’ve decided to take control of your weight loss, it’s important to get the best possible start.

An effective weight loss program involves everything from a healthy meal plan to a high intensity interval training plan. With the right amount of commitment and dedication, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your weight goals.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey on a Positive Point

A recent survey shows that almost a third of Australians are overweight. Being obese or overweight can lead to a host of different health-related issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma and diabetes. With this in mind, our fitness and health experts have compiled a few tips to give your weight loss program a jumpstart.

1.     Never Skip Breakfast

Skipping meals isn’t the solution to losing weight. In fact, skipping breakfast means your body will miss out on the essential nutrients needed to provide you with energy for the day. Rather, set up an eating plan that includes a healthy breakfast containing the nutrients, proteins and fiber needed to set your body up for the day.

2.     Add a Variety of Fruit and Veg to Your Diet

To get the best from your nutrition, add a variety of fruit and vegetables to all your meals. Fruit and veg are low in fat and high in vitamins and minerals. With the great variety available, it’s easy to fill your meal plan with the best nutritional options, and keep it interesting!

3.     Add Fiber-Rich Foods

Fiber-rich foods such as wholegrain bread, brown rice, beans and lentils are not only jam-packed with nutrients but are also great for losing weight. This is because foods rich in fiber keep you feeling full. Make a list of foods high in fiber and try and incorporate them into every meal and snack.

4.     Drink More Water

No matter how much water you’re already drinking, more won’t hurt. Many people who don’t drink enough water often confuse thirst with hunger. It then becomes very easy to eat more than you should. When you feel hungry, first have a glass of water, as this might actually be what your body needs. Fill your fridge with water and fresh fruit juice variations, so healthy fluids are easily accessible.

5.     Don’t Ban Foods

It’s a given. As soon as you ban a food item from your list, it sparks unquenchable cravings. Rather, limit your intake and have it in moderation. For instance, instead of having a full chocolate every day, have a few small blocks every second or third day.

6.     Change Your Plate Size

An old tip that works well is to opt for smaller plates. It will mean you automatically dish up smaller portions. That way you won’t be looking at a mostly empty plate, feeling like you’re “being denied”.

Another expert tip: Since it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to let your brain know it’s full, eating slowly will prevent overeating!

Always stop eating before you feel full or “stuffed.” As your body adapts to the new portion sizes, it’ll be easier to avoid over indulging.

7.     Get Moving

It’s very difficult to lose weight without taking up an active and effective exercise program. Many experts recommend group fitness classes because of their many benefits. For one thing, you’ll stay motivated much easier and others will keep you accountable.

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is also gaining a lot of popularity. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise alternating with low-intensity recovery periods. Most HIIT workout sessions are between 10-30 minutes in duration and are regarded by many as the most time-efficient way to stay active.

8.     Draw Up Weekly Meal Plans

Many eating plans fail due to improper meal planning. You’ll have more success if you plan your meal weekly. That way you’ll be able to stock up on everything you need, meal preparation is easier and you’ll be less tempted to cheat.

Be sure to keep low-calorie snacks on hand for times when you feel hungry outside of your mealtimes. Also include bottled water and fruit juices on your meal plan to avoid resorting to sugary drinks.

9.     Encourage Healthy Eating for the Whole Household

Sticking to a new eating plan can be difficult if you’re preparing unhealthy meals for other members of the household while you’re eating less tasty dishes. Fortunately, everyone in the family will benefit from a healthier meal plan. Encourage everyone to support your lifestyle change by joining in.

Final Thought

Giving your new weight loss journey the kick-start it deserves will go a long way toward ensuring your success. Aside from the right mindset, a healthy eating plan and a vigorous exercise routine are essential.

Be sure to have a goal of what you’d like to achieve every week.

The last tip: try to remain positive through the great and the not-so-great days. You’ll be well on your way to a healthier you before you know it!