Top 7 Crypto Marketing Agencies to take Care of Your Crypto Marketing Strategy

Why do you need a crypto marketing agency for a smooth ride through Web 3.0?

These days the crypto market ceased to be like it was for years: no hype, no hamsters. The atmosphere of the Web 3 generation is not that pink now, and the market can’t say “I’ll be back with the hype” while dissolving into crypto winter. The crypto market is just like the inhabitants of Web 2.0 always felt it.

Difference? On a hype, every rookie with a blindfold on the eyes could successfully launch a campaign and make the pockets much heavier. Many dudes became wealthy for that reason. But it is no longer an option.

So, at this point, Web 3.0 has to play it like Web 2.0. Whyso?

Today marketers have nothing to do but test strategies and fight for each user, which was never a reality of Web 3.0.

Crypto users don’t show a lot of trusts now, they think twice about whether to pay or not. Everybody knows about the abundance of scams: the reality of Web 3.0 educated even the most trustful users.

In the crypto sphere, many projects used to move without a strategy — it was possible during the hype. The lack of business logic wasn’t a problem for them, due to a simple fact  —  the volatile space inherent to Web 3.0 requires flexibility.

So, now, when crypto projects are basically forced by the state of the market to use the approaches from the last web generation, the main question sounds like this: should I hire a crypto marketing agency?

Creating a crypto marketing strategy by yourself or hiring an agency?

In order to create a strategy, you have to sacrifice one major thing: your time. Today you have to go through the whole test-validate-scale approach to hypotheses.

If you are a founder, you probably don’t have time to sacrifice. On the other hand, if you have a specific department that can create a crypto marketing strategy, go for it. But… Do they have all the necessary knowledge to create it?

A perfect plan on paper might be cool. It may even work! However, to be ready for competitors to attack or to go all the way without any mistakes is challenging. Some projects set wrong goals, and they fail. Some invest money at the wrong moment. This is exactly what can be easily solved with the help of a crypto marketing agency.

So, why hire an agency?

  • Expertise – they have tested frameworks, and possess contacts and channels of information. It is a team of professionals specializing in blockchain marketing activities that can rely on experience;
  • They will faster reach your audience – a marketing agency consists of people that understand your industry and customer base perfectly. Plus, with the right tools and tested approaches, they know exactly how to reach highly-targeted leads or bring organic traffic;  
  • They are on the same page with marketing trends – the trends in crypto changing literally;
  • To save time – last but not least: what you will be doing rather slowly, they might already automatize.

Top 7 agencies you can hire nailing your crypto marketing plan

Solus.Agency – a crypto marketing agency that relies on a test-validate-scale approach, so there is no possibility you’ll get the strategy that won’t bring you the best outcome. The highly enthusiastic team is ready to brainstorm with a client through the night and implement what has been decided next thing in the following morning.

It’s difficult to find an agency that would offer better influencer marketing services. Not only do they have an impressive influencer base, but also have unique frameworks and approaches to working with crypto celebrities. You won’t find better influencers for your project anyplace else.

Among their services, you can find:

  • ABM campaigns;
  • Traffic and lead generation;
  • IR;
  • PR and project development;
  • Turnkey approach with creative design and content.

Among their clients are giants of the crypto world such as, and

  • Coinbound –  a crypto marketing agency that specializes in fintech, blockchain, and NFT marketing services. One of the best agencies in the world that ensure higher visibility for your crypto brand with their PR strategies. They help crypto brands get more organic traffic by optimizing content, and offer outstanding content marketing.
  • ICODA –  a full-service blockchain marketing agency that works with DeFi and NFT projects. Their approach is based on crypto PR tactics – media outreach, press releases, video creation, and influencer marketing. They use several approaches at once to attract a bigger audience.
  • Besides, you could probably read their publications on CoinMarketCap, Forbes, Bloomberg, No? Go and check it.
  • Blockwiz – a full-service crypto marketing agency that has more than 150 successful crypto projects behind their backs. Speaking of numbers: there are 550+ influencer campaigns across YouTube, Twitter, Telegram, Facebook & Instagram. One of the unique offers they have is video creation: high-quality crypto video production to increase engagement.
  • NinjaPromo – a digital marketing agency that uses multichannel marketing solutions, and claims to be expert in all things marketing: business-to-business, cryptocurrency, NFT, and high-growth startup brands. We don’t have a reason to doubt them.
  • They offer an extremely wide range of services, including not only PR activities in the crypto and Fintech spheres, but also mobile app development and design.
  • Lunar Strategy – a team that knows all ins and outs of the crypto world. They offer a range of services from SEO to social media content and community engagement.
  • Lunar Strategy has a 3D Metaverse NFT gallery to check out their virtual portfolio and services, which is a cool way to talk with possible clients by using a newly founded “language” of the industry.
  • Single Grain – is one of the best crypto marketing agencies that offer a wide range of services to promote your crypto and NFT projects.

Firstly, it is a full-service digital marketing agency that has been through a lot in Web 2.0. Their expertise in SEO, PPC, and content marketing is very much useful for crypto projects.

The experience in the Blockchain industry is wide — Single Grain worked with Bittrex, Polymath and Blockgeeks.

It’s a good sign if a crypto marketing agency has been working in Web 2 and 3: they have a bigger set of tools and a better understanding of the working strategy.

How to choose a crypto marketing agency?

The art of choosing a crypto marketing agency is still in its shaping phase. However, we have definite points that will help you to understand who will suit your project better.


Metaphorically speaking, a portfolio is the appearance of your vendor. Make sure you carefully check the list of their cases. Having a client list of crypto companies is a promising sign that the agency has worked out many approaches and is ready to create a strategy that will meet your specific needs.

Ask the questions

When discussing a possible collaboration, ask about the influencers’ base, the definition of success with a client, and the list of clients.

Here’s the thing: none of the agencies will give you the list of influencers they work with. However, if they showed you a list, you have something to mull over and get really doubtful.

Check reviews

To check the company’s reputation, you can study clients’ reviews and check Clutch. Knowing the feedback is important — it is the pillar of an agency’s reputation.

What problem did they solve with the previous clients?

Nothing will show you their expertise better than attention to problems solved with other clients. Read through to discover the agency’s strategy and approaches.

Ask for a specific approach they can offer for your project

A good crypto marketing agency will offer you a plan and series of steps right away. Some agencies approach you on a call with a specific schedule of marketing activities and a list of artefacts they will be using.


There are hundreds of crypto marketing agencies out there, but choosing the best is always quite a pickle. Luckily, you have exceptional options that will save you time browsing the web and sorting the wheat from the chaff.

Remember, a great crypto marketing agency has a few teams of experts in different areas of digital marketing and can offer you a unique, proven to be working approach to any task you face.

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