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Fitness Tips: What Should be in Every Gym Bag?

Fitness Tips: What Should be in Every Gym Bag?

Your gear will get you there! We’re talking about getting you to your fitness goals! Whether it’s a yoga session or group fitness classes Sydney locals will tell you that having the right shoes and even snacks does matter.

After all, why not make tough exercising a little easier on yourself? Even if you’ve been going to the gym for years, perhaps you haven’t heard of the latest tips and tech to optimise your workout?

Here’s all you need to add to your bag before your next fitness session.

Best Gym Bag Accessories for 2023

The list below applies to most gym scenarios. Of course, there may be slight differences between a bag packed for weight lifting and one for reformer pilates Sydney locals love to go to. But in most cases, the items below will get you off to a good start.

So, if you’re new to the gym environment, feel confident that you can optimise your first workout when you have the following.

Exercise-suitable Clothing

You’ll be surprised how many people experience a gym session as much more exhausting than it should be, just because they’re wearing the wrong, uncomfortable clothes. Rather spend a little more and get clothing designed for exercising, rather than using cheap knock-offs or pulling your oldest shirt from the cupboard.

Tops & Bottoms

To make yourself feel good, buy gym clothing in your favourite colours but always make sure the fabric is breathable. Also look for features like ‘lightweight’ and ‘moisture wicking’ as this helps keep you comfortable so you can focus and exercise for longer.


Of course, comfort is a major factor in picking out shoes like sneakers. In addition, ensure it offers proper support and is appropriate for the type of exercise you plan on doing. Shoes for weightlifting differ from those suitable for running or Pilates.

Pair your shoes with comfortable, breathable socks.


A priority with picking out your outfits should be managing your comfort and limiting unnecessary frustration. Therefore, keep your hair out of your eyes with items like a headband or even a hat if it won’t make you sweat too much.

Towel X2

Every gym bag needs at least two towels:

Water Bottle

If you’re exercising properly, you’ll get thirsty. Consider these facts about water bottles when planning your gym bag:

Enquire about the size of bottle holders on gym machines, so you can buy accordingly.

The RIGHT Snacks

You may get hungry at the gym and there’s nothing wrong with having a snack. But, it must be something that will give you energy instead of making you feel lethargic. Some expert suggestions:

Items for Personal Care

If you do take showers at the gym, take bathroom essentials like soap and shampoo, so you feel refreshed when you’re done. This also means you’re ready for the next activity on your schedule so gym sessions become a normal part of your day, instead of being an obstacle that keeps you from getting work done. This way, you can have workouts on more days of the week.

Comfortable Headphones

Noticed that we mentioned ‘comfortable’ in the heading here?

Working out with your favourite music setting the pace and helping you focus can make a workout much more dynamic. Simply make sure you pick a set of headphones that won’t distract you. Even while moving they shouldn’t hurt your ears or keep falling off.

Do you prefer wireless, on-ear or over-ear designs?

These days you also get headphones that are sweatproof—ideal for gym—and with noise cancelling features you can limit distractions even more.

Last Tip: Invest in a Quality Gym Bag from the Get-go

So where will you place all the essential gym bag items listed above?

Rather avoid using that old bag stuffed at the back of your closet. You’re very likely to get irritated after an intense session if you rummage inside but can’t find your keys or snacks. Don’t take the risk of something as simple as your bag frustrating you and ruining the gym experience. 

A practical gym bag, designed with multiple pockets, can have dedicated spaces for everything you need to get to in a rush. It also helps to keep your personal items away from your smelly gym clothes after you’ve changed. 

Now, don’t forget your membership card—grab it and go get fit.