How Shock Wave Therapy Can Treat Tibial Tendon Dysfunction

Dealing with common foot and ankle problems may seem scary at first, but thanks to non-surgical procedures, you can find the relief you are looking for without having to go under dangerous surgery.

Tibial Tendon Dysfunction

You may have never heard of this, but it is actually a common foot and ankle problem. This is when the posterior tibial tendon is either inflamed or torn.

What is the tibial tendon? It is the tendon that is attached from the inside of the foot up to the calf muscle. This tendon is responsible for holding the foot’s arch and offering support for the foot while walking. Since the tendon provides the needed support and stability of the arch of the foot, it can result in flat feet when inflamed or torn.

What are the Symptoms?

The following are symptoms of tibial tendon dysfunction:

–                 Pain that is mainly on the inside of the foot and ankle

–                 Walking or running makes the pain worse

–                 Swelling of the lower leg to the inside of the foot and ankle

–                 Limited flexibility

–                 Collapsed arch

What Causes It?

Tibial tendon dysfunction can be caused by the following:

–                 Injury of the foot or ankle

–                 Overuse of the foot or ankle (high-impact activity)

–                 Repetitive use of the foot or ankle (running)

It is also important to note that those over 40, as well as women, are more prone to this condition. Also, those that are obese, or those suffering from diabetes or hypertension.

If you think you are experiencing tibial tendon dysfunction, always visit a foot and ankle doctor in Phoenix for a proper exam.

Treatment Options

Your doctor may have you start with orthotics and braces. But more severe cases can benefit from shockwave therapy.

This treatment is much safer and effective compared to traditional surgery.

How does it work? A patient will need to attend a minimum of three weekly sessions for a few weeks Each session is about ten minutes long. Additional treatment may be needed for more severe cases.

Studies have found no adverse effects, making the non-invasive treatment safe and more affordable for patients.

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